Tuesday, November 14, 2006

woven doll

I recently did a basket making course, it was really inspiring, a room full of people and lovely smelling fibres strewn over the beautiful earthy space we were doing the workshop .

The majorty of the fibres were collected locally around Bellingen, which set my mind racing with ideas, it was like the idea of endless op shops to scour.

during the course of the next week my girls and I were collecting bits of palm flower frond and casurina and other fibres.

anyway, getting to the whiplash thing, I make dolls and have been working on one particular style, like this one below, inspired by a drawing by my daughter Coco who is 5. So when I began thinking about alternative craft, this was a classic whiplash for me, i just had to weave a doll.I really loved making this doll, the way the fibres do their own thing and seem to shape the doll themselves. I used palm flower frond and philadendron and some casurina in her hair, with a bit of felt.

here she is

a woven wind girl
I hope someone is inspired by this, thanks fellow crafters for the inspiration.

Cheers Tiff



craftydabbler said...

Wow! She is amazing. I love her body. I may have to sign up for a weaving class one or these days.

Janet said...

Wow, I'm pretty inspired by your doll. She's very quirky looking. I quite like making things from bottlebrush trimmings but never considered dolls before. Love her hair & eyes too. Well done!

Qip'aq said...

i love your doll....she reminds me of a character from the Nightmare Before Christmas..... :)
Hey...are you selling your dolls in the future?

kris said...

so freaky and so lovely at the same time!

Alicia A. said...

This doll is so cool. LOVE her!

Qip'aq said...

Congrats on winning!

Qip'aq said...

Yes...I am dying muslin in tea....I heard a lot about tea dying from other blogs so decided to give it a try one night....I had a whole bunch of left over tea from Starbucks (from when I use to work there). The colors came out light but with an old antique look. Im making some Christmas ornaments with them. Well..as soon as you open shop let me know. That woven doll is awesome and I think it would be a great collectors item..:) I love quirky items and Im going to start a collection of different dolls.

ada sunday said...

hello.I love your doll.And I have to mention that you are living in my dream town (being a girl originally from Coffs Harbour I always wished I lived up the mountains).I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful work and more of your town.