Wednesday, February 07, 2007

more dolls

I finally got some shots of the 2 new big dolls I'd been working on. much fun to make.

I didn't have any luck with them at the last market, actually I was really surprised as this time i sat and watched the crowd more, and it was actually pretty conservative.

Alot of tourists come to the market to oohh and aahh at the stuff but would never actually buy it to display in their homes.

When I say I didnt have any luck well I sold one to a sweet young girl and that made me pretty happy, she was so excited to buy her, remember that feeling going shopping as a teenager with mum and dad, money burnig a hole in your pocket, you really want to buy something great to mark the day, to spend the afternoon thinking about the great thing in your bag.

the dolls are in the shop too.......

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