Tuesday, April 03, 2007

good bad indifferent

i finished off those bunnies, made some cute labels and mosied down to the shop in town i had planned to put them in.

This one, who has already gone off to a good home:)

so i was inspired to actually use my etsy shop again and added a doll!
A tattooed wind girl!

i think i would yodel with joy if someone actually bought her.
then to top the day off a very talented friend offered to help get a portfolio of my work together to present to prospective buyers..yaaah

1 comment:

Cally said...

LOVE your bunnies!
Damn shame about the shop, I gues they feel they have to be picky but I know I'd have felt the same as you about the whole thing.

I left an answer to your query on sew green about my mobile home (so others can get the answer too). But I never knew when I popped here to tell you that I'd find such a cute and creative site!

If you don't mind I'd love to show a pic of your bunnies on my own blog (callycreates) and hopefully it'll get some folks over to your blog and your Etsy shop and those bunnies WILL have the Easter homes they deserve.

They are so sweet, I love the proportions, the fabrics, everything. Cute cute cute.

So, if that sounds ok drop me a comment on my personal blog and I'll get them mentioned :0)

Happy making!